Archive for August, 2010

ViewSonic ViewPad 7 Is Real, See At IFA 2010, In Berlin

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

ViewSonic ViewPad 7
If you thought DELL Streak was a cool Android Tablet cum Phone, you can freeze yourself with the just announced ViewSonic Viewpad 7, a 7 inch dual cam Android Froyo based device with 3G capabilities.
It said to be pocket-sized, I guess it is, if you are a giant or wearing one of [...]

Will the Verizon/Samsung Tab come with Skype?

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Boy Genius Report found a little more evidence Verizon Wireless is preparing the Samsung GALAXY Tab tablet for US distribution. The Tab will launch in Berlin this week with Android 2.2, a 7" screen, and a user-facing video camera. Here’s hoping VZW preinstalls a version of Skype mobile for Android with video calling. And that [...]

Pay-as-you-go 4G Service From ClearWIre

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Clearwire launches pay-as-you-go 4G service
With the introduction of Rover Stick and Rover Puck, priced at $100, the “Stick” is a USB modem for one machine, and it’s compatible with Windows as well as OS X. The “Puck” is a pricier $150, but provides wireless access for up to eight device, Clearwire is offering [...]

Your take on Skype?s next 7 years?

Friday, August 27th, 2010

This Sunday, 29 August 2010, will mark Skype‘s seventh birthday. This year will see Skype with more than 600 million user accounts, 14% of all international calling, Skype inside of televisions and mobile phones, and almost $1 billion in revenue. Skype was a small pioneer and now it is a power broker on the verge [...]

Skype tip: When banning is harsh, try /alertsoff

Friday, August 27th, 2010

Hi, Michael. Loved your Skype etiquette post. Here’s a tip.
WHEN   someone is too chatty AND   you don’t want to turn off all your IM update audio alerts, TRY THIS:
In the chat with that person, type /alertsoff.
You’ll [...]
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Taiwan government authorities astounded at Intel WiMAX move

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Intel’s announcement regarding its support on the WiMAX technology became very popular as the company’s decision affected the concerns of many people. According to the Taipei Times (one of the leading newspapers in Taiwan), a government official said that the authorities are trying to look at the possible consequences that the [...]

Did A Droid Loosen Some Verizon Nuts?

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Droid Ad by Verizon
Or perhaps that is how they always were;
Snap Voip
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Search Social Media’s Real Time Content With Google Realtime Search

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Google does all sort of things with search and one of these things are realtime search. It was introduced last December but remained in the back servers of Google but accessible to anyone who wanted.
Today Google Realtime Search is getting it’s own page and will allow all of us to search through the realtime [...]

Is Google Eating AT&T’s Lunch?

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Call Directly From GMail. Free Phone Calls from Google
I have been using GMail since April of 2004. I think it was a great change from the usual email programs and online services, I was used to.
 I have used GMail voice chat and  video chat, I even had video conferencing through that GMail feature. The [...]

Netflix On iPhone And iPod

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Netflix on iPhone iPod
Now you can add more to the load on AT&T networks with Netflix on iPhone and iPod touch. I think it would be enjoyable over the WiFi but I do not know about 3G as I have not had much luck with it. At least iPhone and iPod users now can [...]