Archive for March, 2011

Why Monstrous Company reverted to Skype for Mac 2.8

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

James Asbahr is CEO of iOS game publisher Monstrous Company. Design defects in Skype?s persistent chat drove his whole firm to switch back from Skype for Mac 5 to the older 2.8.  Still has love for Skype?s group video chat and hotspot payment services. [...]
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Sprint Drops Froyo Powered Samsung Galaxy Tab To $199!

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab $199!
Looks like the tablet wars are sprinting in to action, beginning with Sprint and Samsung Galaxy Tab.  Sprint’s is taking away full $100 from the current contract price of $299.99 for its Samsung Galaxy Tab starting on Sunday. So from this Sunday, Galaxy Tab will be the most affordable Android powered [...]

Check StockTicker On the Go On Your Mobile With Google.

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

We all look at stock symbols one way or another. But more so people who have invested or dealing with investments. For me all those stock information are checked on large desktop screens! Because it was near impossible to see all those cryptic data on a tiny screen.
But now Google search is taking a new [...]

Google Makes Kansas City Happy With Ultra high-speed Broadband, Gigabit Fiber To Home.

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Even though many communities across USA are looking at Kansas city, Kansas with envy, I am happy that Google has broken grounds on the project. Even if Google is selective (1100 communities wanted Google Fiber to Home) in it’s High speed networks and where they are laid out, other providers can not ignore the fact [...]

Smartphone Patent Lawsuit Targets Developers In Addition To Apple, Android, Blackberry and Microsoft

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Smartphone Patents,
I come back from a small spring break to find a bunch of smatphone related lawsuits. iPhone, Blackberry, Android and Microsoft are all targeted in these suits. Google / Android alone seem to have attracted 38 such lawsuits.
But the latest lawsuit targeting 32 entities is covering developers in addition to hardware and Smartphone [...]

Verizon Overcharges 133000 Customers With A Phantom $7 LateFee In Florida, Texas and California

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Verizon Overcharges 133000 Customers
Verizon customers in Florida, Texas and California, 133000 of them, were over billed by the company because of an operator error.
 An operator or someone of of same capability from North Carolina billing center programmed the computers with wrong instructions to bill customers with a phantom late fee of $7 or 1.5 [...]

Months pass, and fury over Skype 5 for Mac still boils

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Lukas Mathis says the new Skype for Mac is too complicated for casual users and not flexible enough for advanced users. His head is blogging what his heart knows: revulsion and alienation over the experience. Skype?s Mac forum has been full of kvetching, frustration and despair. Alexia Tsotsis? TechCrunch thread concurs, after Alexia threw [...]
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Time for the annual Skype dialtone growth slump

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

The last and first quarters of the year show seasonal growth spurts in the number of people signed in to Skype. Just marking when the number of concurrent users crosses a new high-water mark, like it did at 30 million users yesterday, you can see the growth slow as Spring comes to [...]
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Aaytch launched a Skype for Mac support chat room

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Hudson Barton invites you to join the Skype for Mac chat (Skype required) on behalf of his Aaytch software development firm. ?We decided to concentrate on support for Mac Skype.  The new channel, which is a Skype group chat, will be completely about Skype for Mac, and mostly about the new version 5.x.? This [...]
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Do you want speech recognition to control your mobile Skype?

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

The rumor mill: We should expect voice control technologies in iOS 5. More generally, should I be able to control Skype through speech? ?Skype, call Rango.? ?Skype, answer the call.? ?Skype, call Paul at noon.? ?Skype, text to George Let?s talk this afternoon.? ?Skype, who is near me?? Hands-free is not just safe for [...]
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