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Libros sobre NetMeeting
Idioma |
Mission Critical! ISA Server 2000, Tom Shinder,
Syngress Publishing, Febrero 2001, 512 páginas.
Guide to Teleconferencing and Distance Learning,
Patrick Portway y Carla Lane
Advanstar Communications.
Mainstream Videoconferencing : A Developer's Guide
to Distance Multimedia, Joe Duran y Charlie Sauer, *****
Addison-Wesley Pub Co, Abril 1997, 300 páginas.
Videoconferencing: The Whole Picture, James
R. Wilcox, *****
CMP Books, Abril 2000, 611 páginas.
Official Microsoft Netmeeting 2.1 Book, Bob
Summers, ***
Mayo 1998, 350 páginas.
Cybermeeting: How to Link People and Technology in
Your Organization, James L. Creighton y James W. R. Adams, *****
Tools for Virtual Teams : A Team Fitness Companion,
Meg Hartzler y Jane E., Phd Henry, ****
Amer Society for Quality, 1998.
The Little Web Cam Book, Elisabeth Parker,
John Grimes, *****
Peachpit Press, Enero 1999.